#204 – How Music Can Help Deal With Trauma: Heavy Metal, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction & The We Are Melomaniacs Podcast With David Curfiss

David Curfiss of We Are Melomaniacs joins us for ep 204, for a discussion on trauma, “extreme” music, his books, his podcast and more! Please be aware this conversation contains explicit language.

In more detail, Mike & David’s conversation starts with David explaining why he started his podcast and how music and mental health/trauma go hand-in-hand, before delving into his music journey through rock, metal, grunge and the transition into heavy/death metal. The duo then talk about streaming & physical media, David speaks about the writing process for his two books set in a post-apocalyptic world. David then speaks about his trauma in more depth, including his childhood, how he’s changed over the years and more – this is a fairly deep & intense conversation but one that is really important, especially for those suffering with mental health issues.

Listen to David’s show on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WeAreMelomaniacs

David’s site with info on his books: https://davidcurfiss.com

David mentioned his poem Crumb found in the Of Horror & Hope collection, which can be found here: https://horror.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/HWA-MHI-Of-Horror-And-Hope-Wellness.pdf

David also mentioned Robert Kirkham (writer of The Walking Dead), the Letrou brothers and the book “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society” by Dave Grossman.

If you want FREE BONUS CONTENT, please screenshot your reviews & ratings of the show and send them to Mike via social media or email and he’ll send you an episode of Afterthoughts of your choosing!

To support Mike, as well as rating/reviewing, you can share the show on social media or support financially You can give a one-off payment/donation at ⁠⁠https://ko-fi.com/genuinechitchat  or you can subscribe monthly at ⁠⁠https://Patreon.com/GenuineChitChat⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ – either option will give you access to the exclusive “Afterthoughts” episodes. Patreons get access to weekly episodes plus every past episode (even when paying £1 a month) while Ko-fi tippers will be able to choose some episodes, depending on how much they give – any and all support of this nature is hugely appreciated!

Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike & other amazing creators’ releases: https://pccnewsletter.com    

The last episode was ep 203, where Mike spoke with his friend Matt about Matt’s 3 month long hike in America with his friend Cody; Matt talks food, packing, sores, washing, hitchhiking and more. Towards the end, Matt talks about his new business Bust Builders, where he makes & sells concrete busts of controversial figures!


2 episodes of Mike, Maff & Dave’s show; Rebels Reviewed is out now, so listen to their thoughts on seasons 1 & 2 (as we get nearer to the Ahsoka series for the #RoadToAhsoka) on any podcast app or watch on YouTube: https://pod.fo/e/186b55https://youtu.be/Kk99oyK06ho  

Mike also appeared on Star Wars Timeline to talk about Ahsoka, as part of the #RoadToAhsoka: https://youtu.be/-qo3tVHyC1U  

Mike was the judge on a recent Comics On Trial where Tony Farina & Scott Weatherly each give their stance on whether or not Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull deserves to be held in the same regard as the original trilogy, listen or watch here: https://pod.fo/e/187e09https://youtu.be/8bPSFoOJ4yc

Find Mike’s other show; Star Wars: Comics In Canon on Spotify & the other podcast apps on the feed of Comics In Motion or on GCC’s YouTube channel. Episodes are out every Saturday; episodes 0-134 are out now; in 134 Mike tackles the one-shot: Quest Of The Jedi, then in 133 Mike delved into the Nameless Terror Dark horse comics and the week prior was a review of Quest For Planet X! Previous episodes include the Hidden Empire crossovers, every canon Star Wars comic by Marvel, full High Republic coverage (book reviews & comics) & much more – https://podfollow.com/comicsinmotion   

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#80 – Engage, Educate & Empower: Acute Depression, “Bullycide” & Escaping The Rabbit Hole With Tracey Maxfield

This week Mike speaks with Tracey Maxfield about the bullying epidemic, mental health and her book, Escaping The Rabbit Hole.

For more detail, Mike & Tracey’s chat begins with Tracey’s recounting her journey through nursing and what led her to her nervous breakdown, this leads onto Tracey’s book Escaping The Rabbit Hole and her journey through acute depression, this is followed by Tracey speaking about her time talking at schools before a discussion on the seriousness of bullying in both school & the workplace and how severely it can affect someone’s mental health, the social stigmas that continue to persist victims of bullying, Tracey’s motto of “Engage | Educate | Empower”, potential causes of school shootings, the definition of “bullycide” and many more things are discussed!

Tracey will be launching her own podcast called Engage, Educate & Empower, which is due for release March 19th 2020 – keep up-to-date with Tracey & her upcoming podcast using the below links.

Tracey’s siteTracey’s blogTracey’s YouTube channel

In case you missed last week, Mike spoke with John Vespasian; author, avid historian and endorser of “rational living” about a great many things, including how having future goals that are too specific can be damaging, followed by John’s view on how people should approach career changes, John’s definition of disruptions and how they are presented in his new book, some of John’s travels, his favourite period in history, his stance on immigration & much more is all discussed!

STAR WARS FANS: check out Mike’s collaboration with Scott, Chris & Dave of the 20th Century Geek, Comics In Motion & VHS Strikes Back podcasts a full review of The Rise Of Skywalker which can be found on Comics In Motion’s feed (episode 108)! Plus there are several other Star Wars collaboration episodes on GCC, 20th Century Geek and Comics In Motion’s feeds, so check those out too!

Promo by The Brave Files

Genuine Chit-Chat is a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.

#66 – The Power Of Printed Media: First Charge, Creating Stories, Poetry & Reading In Bed With Amanda Steel

This week Mike chats with Amanda Steel – an author of novels, poems & short stories, as well as creating a quarterly written media publication called Printed Words and being one half of the Reading In Bed Podcast!

In their chat, they discuss Amanda’s newest book, First Charge as well as Amanda’s other works, when & why she started writing, why she used the pseudonym “Aleesha Black” for her Lost & Found books, one of the worst dates Amanda has been on and using it as inspiration for “Love, Dates & Other Nightmares”, before talking about what Amanda’s publication “Printed Words” entails, how she gets her writing done. The conversation then moves onto Amanda’s podcast and podcasting in general, before a brief discussion on Amanda’s religious/spiritual views, then talking about different languages, learning to become a better writer and much more!

Amanda’s books and other information can be found on her site

Amanda’s Social Media: Twitter – InstagramFacebook

Pre-order link for her new release “Pieces of Me” 

GCC has had several authors on the show, but there are two stand-out episodes any bookworms should check out – episode 56 with Frank Burton as well as episode 16 with Wayne Telford are both especially book-orientated and are a must for any lovers of written media!

Last week Mike spoke with Gough, the blind filmmaker & creator of Beernuts Productions, they discuss Gough’s new film “How To Land Your Dream Job”, followed by a discussion on The Book Of Mormon before talking about the timeline Gough adheres to when making one of his films. Gough then talks about some of the crazy people he’s met who were inspirations for some characters in the new film. In part 2 they discuss Gough making a sequel to his documentary “I Will Not Go Quietly”, some of the social issues Gough likes to explore in his comedy, how Gough dislikes people telling him and anyone else how to live their life, some of the ways Gough has been discriminated against, the importance of humour in all walks of life and much more!

Promo by I Wanna Party With Bob

Genuine Chit-Chat is a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.

#60 Pt 2 – “Choose Wisely”: Childlike Wonder, Portability, Divisiveness & Kickstarter With Alton Wheelhouse

This week, Mike is once again joined by the powerful Alton Wheelhouse – the creator & lead architect of the upcoming tabletop RPG game Dimensions!

Mike & Alton’s chat continues with a discussion on the importance of childlike wonder as well as the importance of effort, touching on the concept of “good & evil”, how video games & RPGs can help bring people together, the impact games can have on anxieties & mental illnesses, Alton’s biggest challenge creating Dimensions, what they want Dimensions to achieve through it’s Kickstarter, the art of Dimensions and so much more, so be sure to check it out!

Last week, in part 1 of their chat, Mike & Alton discuss Alton’s beginnings in the tabletop RPG realm, why he’s decided to create a new role playing game (similar in style to Dungeons & Dragons in many respects), the appeal of easter eggs in games (along with hints of how to find them in Dimensions), what the appeal of video games & tabletop RPG games are to people, some of the features that makes Dimensions different from other RPGs and more!

If Dimensions interests you, be sure to check out the Kickstarter as if you decide to fund it via this link, it’ll help out the podcast a great deal as well as supporting something amazing!

Last episode Mike spoke with Dan about his time as a cameraman at Bestival and some of his work at university, before delving into a discussion regarding music, including Dan’s previous band experience and how bands “make it”, followed by a tangent about the perfect amount of people to watch movies with and some of their favourite horror movies, before getting into bands changing their sound & “selling out” and much more!

Promo for the novel One Hundred by Frank Burton – Mike & Frank discuss the book in episode #56 of GCC so be sure to check it out if the promo interests you! The physical book can be bought online, or the audiobook can be downloaded/listened to for free here!

Genuine Chit-Chat is also a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.

#46 – “Our Mortality Connects Us”: Positivity & Memento Mori: Being Mindful Of Death With Thom King

Our second podcast of 2019 continues Mike’s chat with the powerful Thom King, a serial entrepreneur, biohacker, CEO of Steviva but this time the chat is more on his life’s philosophies!

In this chat Thom & Mike discuss mortality, spirituality, memento mori (being mindful of death), life changing events causing perspective shifts, what they think happens after death, patriotism, political polarisation, positivity and more!

Last week Thom & Mike spoke about meditation & mindfulness, alternative eating, what being a “fifth generation entrepreneur” is, what a ketogenic diet is and why Thom sticks to it, bio-hacking, Stevia and other sweeteners, why keeping a journal and writing lists is a key ingredient to success, respecting our food and what percentage of food in the USA is wasted, the politics of food and so much more!

Thom’s Book/Keto Site – Thom’s Personal Site

Promo by We’re All Wicked

Genuine Chit-Chat is now a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.

#45 – The Sweeteners Of Success: Stevia Over Sugar, Ketosis, Meditation & Biohacking With Thom King

Our first podcast of 2019 brings a chat with the powerful Thom King, a serial entrepreneur, bio-hacker, CEO of Steviva and generally nice guy!

In this chat they delve into what being a “fifth generation entrepreneur” is, what a ketogenic diet is and why Thom sticks to it, bio-hacking, Stevia and other sweeteners, why keeping a journal and writing lists is a key ingredient to success, respecting our food and what percentage of food in the USA is wasted, meditation & mindfulness, alternative eating, the politics of food and so much more!

As mentioned in the intro, the first few minutes of the conversation didn’t record properly, but from that point it all goes smoothly, so apologies for that, but it’s still an incredibly informative and enjoyable chat  and it’s also available on YouTube with video!

Mike continued his chat with Thom after this episode finishes, tune in next week for a discussion involving mortality, spirituality, memento mori, life changing events causing perspective shifts & several other interesting topics.

Thom’s Book/Keto Site – Thom’s Personal Site

Promo by The Brave Files: https://vickeryandco.com/podcast/

Genuine Chit-Chat is now a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.


#41 – How To Never Binge Again: Healthy Eating, Personal Pigs & The Power Of Advertising With Dr Glenn Livingston

This week Mike is joined by Dr Glenn Livingston, a veteran psychologist and was the long-time CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm and has sold over 600,000 copies of his book “Never Binge Again”.

Never Binge Again is the primary focus of this chat, where diet & exercise are discussed, along with the power of advertising in the food industry, how one can reprogram their own mind into eating better, how Glenn got into psychology & eating, the three brains; reptilian, mammalian & human and how they affect one’s perception of diet, how the world has been changing nutritionally with an influx of fast food but also health-awareness, opinions on fat-shaming and much more!

Glenn’s Never Binge Again book site: https://neverbingeagain.com/

In case you missed it, last week Mike spoke with Hedley of We Fix Space Junk, in part 1 they discussed how WFSJ all began, the inspirations for it, bonus content and who the “Automnivoice” is, as well mess of other things, while part 2 is more about movies, politics, media representation, and so much more so even if you’re not a fan of We Fix Space Junk, it’s still an incredible listen!

Genuine Chit-Chat is now a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.

Epilepsy Isn’t What You’d Expect: BBC Ouch, Music And Art, Podcasting & Medication – GCC #34 w/ @RagbagFrank Burton

This week Mike is joined by fellow podcaster Frank, who shares the same last name as our glorious host (Burton)! They discuss Frank’s Ragbag Podcast and the freedom of podcasting, followed by their opinions on art & music, how Frank got into being an author and info about his book releases before discussing the bulk of the chat; Frank’s epilepsy (finished off by a discussion about mental illness & medication).

Regarding epilepsy, Frank talks about some of the misconceptions surrounding it (including ones he had himself before being diagnosed), how it affected his life & family, as well as how some of the techniques he uses have helped him take control of epilepsy so that epilepsy doesn’t control him – all of this and more is discussed in this incredibly personal & informative chat!

Frank’s site, including his book, podcast & more – The BBC Ouch show Frank appeared on

Last week Mike spoke with Belynda, about the conservation of animals and more specifically, her area of interest; birds of prey! They also discuss Belynda’s time at Sparsholt college, her experience of working in Marwell Zoo, breeding programs for animals (especially endangered ones), how eco-systems need insects & about certain insects becoming endangered too, along with how damaging poaching is and their appreciation for the great Sir David Attenborough, as well as much more!

Promo by Shooting Breezes

Genuine Chit-Chat is now a part of the Brit Pod Scene, so be sure to check out the other members of the family as well as the BPS podcastwww.britpodscene.com

Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – YouTube – StitcherPodbeanSpotify

You can also email us at GenuineChitChat@outlook.com with any reviews, comments or suggestions.